Thursday, July 17, 2008

Last Days in Koblenz

Wow, it sucks so much to say goodbye to the people I met here. Why is it always when I leave that I realize exactly what and/or who it is I am leaving? That is, you are never truly grateful for what you had until you don't have it anymore or, have to leave it. Ugh. I hate it.

Last night I went to the Koblenzer Extrablatt for the last time... I love that place man... I must admit, if the next place I go doesn't have an Extrablatt, I ain't goin'. It's just that simple. Coming back to Germany won't be the same as this time, though... I will meet completely new people, do completely new things, see completely new places. One can't expect to have the same experience twice in a row... and who would want it that way, anyway? Anyway all of my best friends here came and we had a lovely time... happy hour, baby :-) T'was grand... Jenny made me an AWESOME cake with cats and suitcases and a whole slew of other wonderful things, and from a few other friends I received sweet Koblenz mementos and cards that made me cry :-( after that and a few sad, tearful good-byes, some of us went to the Irish Pub for karaoke, where we stayed for an hour or so. Niko (my first friend here) and I sang Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" and it was really fun.

And this morning Lea and I cleaned up her apartment a bit and then met at 12 with 6 or 7 others to eat the fabulous cake. It is hard to eat something that pretty, man. She said she spent about 10 hours working on it in total! INSANE. Nevertheless I am sooo grateful for the cake and even more grateful to have friends like these!!

I have posted pictures of the last few days for your enjoyment...
