Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back to the Norm

Got back from Paris on Tuesday night. Lucked out and an earlier train had a delay so we got back to Koblenz a bit earlier than sonst and I made the bus. My computer didn't work when I got back, same problem as last time... Wednesday a friend of mine, David, who fixed it last time, came over and it took him 15 seconds to fix the daggam thing. 15 seconds!! He popped out the battery, dusted it off a bit, snapped it back in, and it worked again! Ridiculous!!

Yesterday I was able to check the following important things off of my to-do list:
  • extend my residence permit
  • got my student ID (AND got it laminated!)
  • got a new ISIC card
These things are all annoying things that have to be done in annoying offices during very specific hours. Now I only have to make it to the bank before the end of the month to show them I'm still a student so they don't start charging me for my account there.

My new residence permit pic is so ugly, ha ha... yesterday I wanted to be there at 8am and so I rushed to get ready but did NOT put on any makeup at all. Was first in the office and was told I needed a new picture, UGH. If I had received the right letter from the coordinator in the first place, I would've had my residence permit for two semesters instead of one and I would have saved myself 35 Euros, or over $50!! But, such is life, and I certainly didn't know ahead of time that an extension was going to cost another 30 Euros... so I can't really be too upset.

Last night I had a great looong conversation with Hannah which definitely reminded me why we are friends. We hadn't talked in mooooonths and I think when people don't talk for that long and don't see each other (aside from Facebook!), memories start to fade slightly and you literally forget

Today I am meeting Jenny at 5pm for drinks at happy hour :-) She is a really nice person!! I'm leaving for Ingolstadt on Saturday around 1pm, and I'll be there til Wednesday morning. Then I'm back here till Tuesday, April 1, when I leave for Rome!!!

The time here is going by like flashes of lightning! A speeding bullet! I leave on July 23. Then there are three short weeks before school starts and then...well, school starts! CRAP! Honestly though I am looking forward to getting back into a normal routine in my "regular life".
