Friday, November 2, 2007

Terrible Classes, Halloween, and When it's cold outside


Ok so that class I went to on Tuesday? TERRIBLE. It was taught in English and called "The Story of English" so I thought, hey, this sounds interesting... WRONG! I fought the urge to get up and leave in the middle of it several times. I seriously doubt the professor knew what he was talking about. Anyway I am not going back to that class. As much of a slacker as it may make me sound like, I'm going to stick with two classes this semester. They are the only two that will be valid at UCF anyway, and I find that simply talking to my friends and listening to them brings me a LOT more benefit than sitting in a class. So, cool.

Tuesday I went to a meeting in the Asta office, an office on campus that helps first semester students and international students in many aspects. Long story short, I signed on to be a German tutor for the Spaniards, lol. I don't know if I'm seriously going to do anything or not, I've never done anything like this before... so... we will see.

Mommy's box o' glorious items to thrill and surprise me came on Tuesday as well, I was very excited. I hung my hooks yesterday! The safety pins came in handy for my halloween costume and now, thanks to the Ziplocs, my cheese stays fresher, longer. :-) Life can't get any better when you have fresh cheese in the fridge. My favorite favorite FAVORITE thing to eat for breakfast at the moment is a slice of Bauernbrot split in half and toasted, low fat spreadable cheese goes on first, then a bit of low fat sliced cheese, then one or two slices of salami. YUM! It is sooo good. Sometimes I'll also have a slice of toast with Nutella.

Also included in the box o' glorious items to thrill and surprise me was a new workout DVD! It came with the ab belt at Walmart for über cheap and so I did that Wednesday by myself... told my friend I couldn't do a workout on Wednesday but I really just wanted to try that one out alone, lol. I felt kinda bad, but it was a good walk so I am happy I did it. After that I went shopping for a Halloween costume :-) I wanted to be a cat. My friend Rike is a crafty girl and she helped me make some cat ears out of felt and one of my stretchie black headbands. I found everything else I needed at the local Big Lots... okay so it's not a Big Lots exactly, but I got the same excited feeling as I walked through it as I do at Big Lots. I even got a set of three pretty drinking glasses for 1€! THREE! Quite exciting. Now I don't have to serve wine in plastic cups anymore. Just kidding (I don't even like wine)!

So I didn't have enough time to do all my makeup right for my costume but I had my tail attached already (which I made out of a faux fur ski headwarmer thingy that I got for 2€ at Big Lots and safety-pinned to my pants, lol) but I was able to do eye makeup and a black triangle on my nose. Later, I got whiskers. Here are pictures of the Halloween party...

We took the right bus on the way home. No, that's not it, my story wouldn't be exciting if I just said that, would it? We DID take the right bus home, but SOMEONE neglected to realize that the bus did NOT go to the all. So after the bus had exited the Stadtkreis Koblenz, we decided to get off... and we are far far far away from home. I guess not that far, but I was so tired I just did not want to walk anymore. Needless to say on the holiday yesterday I did NOT work out. And Aunt Flo is going to pop in for a visit soon so... we'll see how that goes. Today I just was lazy when it came to walking and I decided to go grocery shopping and update my blog, answer email, and work on homework...for once, lol. Tomorrow I do plan on doing some kind of workout :-) Maybe the 5 Miler!

Everyone is sick. Liz and Kathrin are both sick so unfortunately the Bonn thing didn't work out this weekend. I am going to propose the trip to Köln for two weekends from now, which will be the weekend before Thanksgiving. I'm going to propose leaving on Friday evening after everyone is done w/ class, taking the train and staying overnight Friday and Saturday in a hostel, sightseeing on Saturday, returning on Sunday. I love Köln (Cologne). I am actually going there this Sunday to the Cologne Worship Night. I'm really excited about it!!!

I cannot believe I have been here almost 5 weeks. That's how long I was gone over the summer. It feels like I have been here forever, yet simultaneously for no time at all. But 1 month is over, 9 more remain. What will happen? I'm excited to find out!

Mach's gut,