Here are some fun pics from yesterday, this week, and last week (click to make pics bigger if you must, lol)...
I think more or less here I was laughing about the idea of getting a picture together with Edward, LOL...
This week Lea and I also got to meet Juuuuulia for breakfast at the Extrablatt and I found some fab deals at H&M... I swear I'm not going to buy any more clothes before I leave!!! And Wed. night I went back to the Extrablatt for girls night (although there were a few boys, ew) and had a grand ol' time as usual. Here I am with "my Long Island":
So we get back Monday night, and Tuesday I have class and then we are going the movies... "we" equals Julia, Lea, and I. Quasi (Julia spent some time in NZ and Oz), Mate, and American Mate, LOL... we have fun together. Here is a pic of us on Lea's 20th birthday last week (yep, Extrablatt again)
And that's it for now...!
no, it wasn't a picture with ed but with your new fabulous handbag ;)
cheers :D
Das sind ja lustige Bilder - aber die Sonnenbrille ist echt nicht so gut ;-)
Was wirst du nur ohne das Extrablatt in Florida machen? :-P
Küsse und bis bald :-*
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