When I was 16 I had an exchange student, Nina, from Moenchengladbach. The next summer I went to visit her. I also know the exchange student from Uni Koblenz that came to UCF last semester. We've been in contact through email since I decided to participate in the program. I have been in extensive touch with the coordinators at the university as well and four assistants have been assigned to me. Their names are Julia, Chantal, Verena, and Sonja. So I have quite a little bubble, I guess. I do intend to break out of it, but I've got a couple of free places to stay, I guess! Ha, ha...
Soon I am going to be making some purchases online for items I will be needing while I am abroad. The following items will be purchased:
- foreign outlet surge protectors (so I can bring my own appliances)
- TSA-approved luggage locks
- canvas shopping bags (believe it or not, you have to buy your "paper or plastic" there
- packing cubes

Until next time,