Ok so after getting some advice from trusted and experienced friends, I got to chatting with Nikki, a new friend I've met through the Münster program. We decided to book a hostel in Bremen for two nights!! We're going to be backpackers! Stuff gets crowded in the summer so we both booked in advance. I saved $2 with my ISIC card I wrote about previously (the booking fee). We'll be staying in a 6 bed mixed dorm room... how crazy is that! It is 22 Euros per night. We're leaving Münster next Friday around 3:30 or 4 and its only a bit more than one hour away. The plan is to stay the night Friday, explore the city by foot and bus all day Saturday, stay the night again and go back on the train Sunday, but we might hop off the train here and there just to explore some different cities...
I added a link to the site I used to book the hostel... and here's a floorplan!

I am so excited I just can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!