Yesterday I was able to check the following important things off of my to-do list:
- extend my residence permit
- got my student ID (AND got it laminated!)
- got a new ISIC card
My new residence permit pic is so ugly, ha ha... yesterday I wanted to be there at 8am and so I rushed to get ready but did NOT put on any makeup at all. Was first in the office and was told I needed a new picture, UGH. If I had received the right letter from the coordinator in the first place, I would've had my residence permit for two semesters instead of one and I would have saved myself 35 Euros, or over $50!! But, such is life, and I certainly didn't know ahead of time that an extension was going to cost another 30 Euros... so I can't really be too upset.
Last night I had a great looong conversation with Hannah which definitely reminded me why we are friends. We hadn't talked in mooooonths and I think when people don't talk for that long and don't see each other (aside from Facebook!), memories start to fade slightly and you literally forget
Today I am meeting Jenny at 5pm for drinks at happy hour :-) She is a really nice person!! I'm leaving for Ingolstadt on Saturday around 1pm, and I'll be there til Wednesday morning. Then I'm back here till Tuesday, April 1, when I leave for Rome!!!
The time here is going by like flashes of lightning! A speeding bullet! I leave on July 23. Then there are three short weeks before school starts and then...well, school starts! CRAP! Honestly though I am looking forward to getting back into a normal routine in my "regular life".