Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Few Steps Closer...

Hi everyone!!

Got my surge protector in the mail yesterday, and the laptop converter too... its very heavy, but oh well.

UCF is giving me $500 for study abroad. I'm still waiting on the DAAD scholarship, I'm really on the edge of my seat with that one, for sure!! That would be WONDERFUL if I could get that.

I'm not going to be working between Münster and Koblenz. Since I'll only be available 3 sporadic weeks in the time I'm here, I'm just going to be unemployed for a while.

I finally wrote back to my cousins in Ingolstadt. I hadn't had time to do that recently because of school.

I made a new friend on Facebook from Koblenz... Kerstin.

I have to say that the part about moving to Germany that excites me most is that I'll get to walk and ride my bike places instead of driving. I am so sick of driving and paying $35 to fill up my Honda Civic it's not even funny. Hmph. It'll be great to get my exercise that way, too!

Mom's going to drive down to Miami with me in August to get my Visa. Since I won't be working and she only works Mondays, we'll drive down on a Thursday, spend the night, and get up early to go to the Consulate for my Visa.

That's all for now, I'll update more as things occur...


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